The Best of “Vigilante”

Based on a popular webtoon of the same name, Vigilante has a unique original material as its foundation. The action series is filled with action-packed sequences, mysterious characters, and protagonists who are neither heroes nor villains. With its fast-paced narrative, fans of this genre could easily be drawn into the life of the lone wolf “vigilante” who found unlikely comrades amidst his fight against corrupt and diabolical men.

The eight episodes, however, feels not enough to unpack all the plot’s potential and definitely not enough to give every character its time to shine. Some plot points were still left hanging at the end of the series but could make for a good starting point in case it would be renewed for another series. It might not be a series made for everyone to love but it is still worth watching especially for those looking for a quick exciting watch. Here are some thrilling reasons to convince you to watch Vigilante!

Nam Joo-hyuk in a different genre

Nam Joo-hyuk always plays characters who are on the good side, be it in contemporary romance or historical war movies. So it was surprising to see him take on a morally gray character in a genre he rarely does. Kim Ji-yong is a test for him as an actor but he definitely delivered. He could still fine-tune his acting with more of this kind of role but this is a good prove to prove his naysayers wrong. With Vigilante, he definite was able to expand his range as a bankable actor and even showcased why veteran actors like working with him. 


Young-blood Kim Ji-yong isn’t the only character who craves justice to be served. As he tries to maintain the anonymity of his other persona, he meets an ally through the character of Jo Gang-ok (Lee Joon-hyuk), a chaebol whose motive, at first, was a bit suspicious. But in the end, Gang-ok, although a bit ambitious, only wants the same thing as Ji-Yong. Lee Joon-hyuk’s portrayal of Gang-ok is also entertaining to watch. He really could nail this type of roles.

Another character whose motive I doubt up to the last half of the series is reporter Choi Mi-ryeo (Kim So-jin). This stubborn journalist has a cartoonish vibe on her with her flaming red hair and theatrical expressions. But this character means serious business as she chases the Vigilante and uncovers his real identity. I must say, too, that she adds another layer of thrill to the already tension-filled chase between Ji-yong and Jo Heon (Yoo Ji-tae).

Jo Heon is the second reason why I was able to finish this series even though this is not my usual go-to plot and genre. One might think that his character hinders the Vigilante from punishing criminals who deserve a more stringent punishment than what they got from the law. But in the end, he showed to the rookie cop that he is fighting to get the same kind of justice Ji-yong wants. Not to mention, Yoo Ji-tae is one good actor who could transform into a mysterious and darker-than-usual role in an instant. 

Thought-provoking Plot

Bloody action sequences aside, Vigilante presented a compelling argument on the legal system and how the most sinister of men could to circumvent it. Its no-nonsense storytelling is thought-provoking, leaving its audience not just with an adrenaline rush but with some radical questions that are yet to be answered.

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