K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 13

The only way to destroy a scheming opponent is to outsmart them.


Bong Sang-pil (Lee Joon-gi) and Mrs. Noh Hyung-joo’s (Baek Joo-hee) plan to fake the latter’s death succeeded. Mrs. Noh intentionally let Judge Cha Moon-sook (Lee Hye-young) uncover her identity to push her to order her death. But knowing Judge Cha, she won’t let her name get dragged into this mess especially with her impending nomination as chief justice. That’s why she would need someone to catch the fall for her, and that someone is none other than the very much clueless Nam Soon-ja (Yum Hye-ran).

This was a daring plan, I know! But just like what Mrs. Noh said, she can do anything if it’s for the realization of her dream to live with her daughter and husband again. And of course, Sang-pil won’t let anything bad happen to the mother of the woman he loves. He asked Scorpion’s help for them to rescue Mrs. Noh right before Kwon Man-bae’s underlings executed the plan to drown her to death. Oh, Pres. Ahn Oh-joo (Choi Min-soo) had also unknowingly played a role in the rescue of Mrs. Noh.

With the success of Sang-pil and Mrs. Noh’s plan, it’s almost certain that Judge Cha’s days in power are now counted.


I’m happy that Ha Jae-yi (Seo Ye-ji) and her omma are finally reunited!!! Though I must admit that I felt a little bit dissatisfied with the emotions that they showed upon seeing each other. They looked happy, but not the kind of happy that I was expecting. I was expecting some “hysterical happy” reactions from them, because in case they’ve forgotten, they didn’t see each other for 18 years! Not a year or two, but 18 freaking years!!!

The reunion between the two didn’t last long because Mrs. Noh had to move somewhere safer, which is part of the plan to make Judge Cha believe that the sole witness to the murder that she committed 18 years ago is already dead and that she’s in control of everything. Btw, I’m taking Mrs. Noh’s move to entrust Jae-yi to Sang-pil while she’s away as a nod to their relationship. Such a happy development!

I’m also glad that Sang-pil and Jae-yi are now back to normal following Mrs. Noh’s admission to Jae-yi that she asked Sang-pil to temporarily hide everything from her and also to break up with her because she’s worried for her safety. I hope our OTP continues to be strong until the end of this fight because I believe that their love for each other is their greatest weapon against their enemies.

See you again on our K-Drama Reaction for the next episode!

<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 12
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 11
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 10
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 9
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 8
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 7
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 6
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 5
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 4
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 3
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 2
<< K-Drama Reaction: Lawless Lawyer | Episode 1

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