K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 31-32

Our robot Namsin 3 (Seo Kang-joon) is back in his old self after the jerk Nam Sin (also Seo Kang-joon) abused the manual mode and made him attack both the Chairman(Park Young-gyu) and So-bong (Gong Seung-yeon). He managed to override the ruthless act and he is now free from the human Sin’s manipulation. Sin is getting worse as the day goes by as he now knows about his grandfather’s dementia. Urgh, I hate this team-up between Seo Jong-gil (Yu Oh-seong) and Sin! They made the Chairman sign the stock transfer agreement papers to make Sin as his successor. Of course, we are all aware that Director Seo only serves himself and he pretended to help Sin so he could eliminate the old Chairman.

Human 31-32 (3)Human 31-32 (1)

Speaking of Director Seo, the amount of evil in this drama is overwhelming!!! Everyone is just so good at killing people! I admit I wasn’t surprised at all Seo Jong-gil confirmed (through a flashback) that he was the one who killed Sin’s father. Poor, ahjussi. He was only trying to escape the hospital to be with his family, but he accidentally fell to the ground. He was badly injured, but he didn’t die from the fall!!!! It was his “friend and assistant” Jong-gil who strangled him to death! And not only that, after hearing the news that Jong-gil killed his own son, the Chairman kept a blind eye and ordered him to silence everyone! They were the ones who made it appear as suicide. How could he do that to his own flesh and blood?? No wonder, Sin had the genes of a murderer.

Human 31-32

Going back to the present, Young-hoon (Lee Joon-hyuk) is everyone’s hero during these difficult times. He was furious that Sin tried to kill both his own grandfather and So-bong. I particularly loved the scene wherein he told Namsin 3 that he may be a machine, but he is a special machine with a heart. Everyone who’s part of the Ye Line would have been proud of their baby! LOL Please give us more of this “robromance” between Namsin 3 and Ji teamjang!

Human 31-32 (1)

I was wondering what was Young-hoon’s plan all along, and I was astounded when the robot Namsin 3 appeared in front of the public eye! Nam Sin was the one who asked for this. They would not have been doing this extreme measure if not for Jerk Nam Sin’s evil deeds.

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“Don’t insult the love of your mom for you anymore. She loved him, but that was her love for you.”

-David to Sin

I wanted to commend David (Choi Duk-moon) for tapping the emotions of Sin. He used the Mom card perfectly! Hoping this would bring Sin back to his senses and start to see the good in everyone. I get where he is coming from, his traumatic past and countless betrayals from the people around him, but that do not give him a free pass to murder people. Just because someone killed your dad doesn’t mean you have the right to kill someone else’s dad, too. Right?

Human 31-32 (7)


Yay! I love this simple friendship between Hee-dong and Namsin 3 🙂 They are so cute together, too.

Human 31-32 (2)

Can we also get more cute scenes for our TinCan couple? I need more doses of the squishy Namsin 3!!!

Human 31-32 (2)

After watching the preview, I’m not really sure how this drama is going to end, but I really hope they don’t kill off the robot… I know a human-robot romance isn’t possible, but one can dream, right?




<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 29-30
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 27-28
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 25-26
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 23-24
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 21-22
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 19-20
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 17-18
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 15-16
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 13-14
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 11-12 
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 9-10
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 7-8
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 5-6
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 3-4
<< K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 1-2

2 thoughts on “K-Drama Reaction: Are You Human, Too? | Episodes 31-32

  1. I kind of want her to end up with human Sin. I love NamSin 3 but would really like to see a different side of human Sin, one that looks passed his painful past and lives a happy life. I doubt that’s impossible at this stage but one can hope:) Whoever endgame couple is ill be happy.


    1. As much as I hated the things human Sin did, I also want him to live a happy life too. I hope he learns to heal and forgive, and to be with people who truly loves him. Let’s hope for a happy ending because it’s really a good drama 🙂


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